If you’re new to Harmin, welcome. If you’ve experienced our bags before, welcome back. We started our collection of buttery soft leather bags with 6 classic colors: black, khaki, chalk, platinum, olive, and camo. We produce small batches of our bags in some of the world's most revered workshops in Italy. As we grow, we are extremely thoughtful about new colors we introduce. Meet two of our latest additions: chocolate + denim.
Our process for choosing new colors is like everything we do here — slow, deliberate, and very thoughtful, with quality and design at the forefront.

We must consider every detail — will the leather hold the dye and stay buttery soft yet super strong? Are these colors neutral yet also unexpected? Will they be the color you’ll want to reach for because it goes with everything?

When searching for inspiration, we felt it was important to look to the classics, and it doesn’t get more classic than denim. It’s basically the universal language for “cool.”

We spent countless rounds trying to find the just right shade, a true bold blue, ready to be incorporated into your uniform.

And for Chocolate....

We wanted something rich. Classic. Timeless. Decadent. Something that felt like a bit of indulgence. We’ve always likened investing in quality things to buying art — it should be something you look at daily with love and grow to appreciate more over time. We think our shade of Chocolate will do this for you (and hey, it’s calorie-free!).

We hope you enjoy these new hues, and we look forward to seeing all the ways you wear them.




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